The research topic considers a theoretical analysis of cryptographic applications in RFID and the new standard known as the Internet of things. Both the design and cryptanalytic aspects of these security primitives will be included in the research program for a PhD student. Also, a very popular topic of homomorphic encryption, closely related to cloud computing, is a plausible alternative.
Supervisor: Dr. Enes Pasalic
More information can be found on (sublink mladi raziskovalci)
Alternatively, for further info, you may contact Enes Pasalic at
– Application to be sent to University of Primorska by June 30, 2013.
– Applicants no older than 28 years and excellent grades.
– Candidates must attach master thesis diploma by September 1
Уколико је неко од студената заинтересован за ову могућност, нека ми се јави путем мејла како бих послао одговарајућу препоруку професору Пашалићу. Молим вас да ову објаву пошаљете свим студентима који би били евентуално заинтересовани за докторске студије из области криптографије.
Владимир Божовић